guidemate GmbH Приложения

PhotoHamburg 1.0
guidemate GmbH
The app PhotoHamburg provides you with anoverview of the 49 places of the Triennial of Photography Hamburg2015, the timetable and an easy access to all audioguidesavailable.The Triennial of Photography Hamburg 2015 focuses on "future".The motto of the Triennial “THE DAY WILL COME”, serves as aninspiration to imagine a future, a future of photography in atechnical sense, but especially in terms of aesthetics. Questionsare raised such as: How digital imagery influenced our society? Whydo we produce billions of images a day? Did mobile phone cameraschange our perception? What is the role of the photographer now?What is next after the digital revolution? In an interdisciplinarycooperation, curators, artists, futurologists, and sociologistswill build a bridge into the future.

The Triennial of PhotographyHamburg originates as an initiative of the photographer andcollector F. C. Gundlach. Since 1999, the photo festival has takenplace every third year in Hamburg, Germany, together with thecity's major museums, cultural institutions, galleries and otherorganizers. Meanwhile, the Triennial of Photography Hamburg hasbecome an important festival of international reputation. Besides agreat variety of exhibitions  under a common motto, thefestival is presenting the whole range of photographic techniquesand styles and is complemented by symposia, lectures, conferences,portfolio reviews, slideshows and much more. Since 2014, the mainorganizer of the Triennial is Deichtorhallen Hamburg GmbH.Feautures:- All Places on one map- Easy orientation through geo position- Quick overview of opening hours & exhibition details- Download the audioguides to enable offline usage- German & English versionThe app has been developed by guidemate GmbH. Visit our website and hear the world throughdifferent eyes.
Next Stop Maracanã 1.0
guidemate GmbH
Next Stop Maracanãvon Markus Aust und Gerhard SchickDie Legende tönt, man hört sie schon von weitem, noch bevordieherbeiströmenden Menschenmassen in den Blick geraten. DasMaracanã- Stadion, einst das größte der Welt, ist wie einSeismograph allerGefühlslagen in Brasilien. Wir horchen in dieMetropolen Rio deJaneiro und Sao Paulo hinein: Musik, Geräusche,Stimmen und Tönebilden einen klanglich dichtem Teppich, der vonEmotion, Traditionund Wandel erzählt.Idee, Konzept und Realisation:Markus Aust ( Schick ( (D): Susanne StarzakSprecher (D): Jonas BaeckÜbersetzungen ins brasilianische Portugiesisch: Marina DiezNext Stop MaracanãMarkus Aust and Gerhard SchickThe Legend sounds, you can hear them from afar, even beforethecrowds flocked to come into view. Maracanã - stadium oncethelargest in the world, is like a seismograph of all emotionalstatesin Brazil. We listen to your body in the cities of Rio deJaneiroand Sao Paulo, music, sounds, voices and sounds form asonicallydense carpet that tells of emotion, tradition and change.Idea, concept and realization:Markus Aust ( Schick ( (D): Susanne StarzakSpeaker (D): Jonas BaeckTranslation into Brazilian Portuguese: Marina Diez
guidemate Audio Travel Guides
guidemate GmbH
Discover Hamburg, Berlin, … with audio guides! The app & manytours are free.
geophon Audioguides
guidemate GmbH
Relive the world! With the geophon audio guides for cities andregions.
AOYO audio guides 6.6.0
guidemate GmbH
GPS audio guides for rental car travel - your digital tour guideorboard!